Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Education is a tool to enable and empower people towards self­-discovery and making life better. There are two type of education. First is formal education, where schools, colleges and university impart information and knowledge. Second, it is informal education, where family, society, theater and   club  are  the major medium whereby people learn and develop their understanding. Hence, education is not a static process rather it is dynamic process whereby people learn from both family as well as schools through interaction and exchange of words. I remember Nelson Mandela words true in this sense,”Education is a powerful weapon which can be used to change the world.”

It also means modify the behaviour of the person. Schools are the place where children go and their behaviour   get   changed   under   holistic   environment.   Education   is   also   deliberate   action   which involves time and training by institutions. That is why Education commission (1964­66) emphasized that education can not be considered in isolation. It is to be planned in social settings. It must contribute to national development.

Education   is   also   considered   as   one   of   the   most   important   agents   of   social   change.   This transformation in individual and national progress can be realized through formal quality education. In this regard national education Commission (1964­66) has observed ,”The destiny of India is being   shaped   in   her   classrooms.”   And   in   adition,   NPE   (1992)   also   has   observed,”education   is fundamental to all round development,material and spiritual.”

So, in this way, i personally believe and conceive   education is as tool to enable and empower people. It develops people's level of understanding  around the issues. However, it depends and varies how   education   is   imparted   for   children.Teachers'   professional   knowledge,students   ratio,school environment, and pedagogy play crucial role in delivering quality education. In this regard NCF (2000) observed ,” Pedagogy should aim in catering to individual differences enabling each child to blossom in fulfillment.”

Saturday, April 17, 2010

ManishChand:Underestimating Student’s Potentiality

Each individual is unique in itself. Each person is possessed with different sort of ability and disposition. Fortunate are those who realize in time with support of their decent family environment and guidance. But what about those people who later came to realize their capacity and lag behind. They find themselves difficult in coping along with privileged children but dare to head with them.

It is short narrative tale related a friend of mine who became the victim of this comparative measures of success. Once he told me that he felt very embarrassing and shameful situation when his teacher told in front of him that his other classmate is ‘bright and understand better’. My friend said that he could not sleep well for many days because of this sarcastic remark. He said that what is his fault? If he could not understand better! Who is wrong? It is student who is average or so called ‘slow learner’. Whether teacher who did not have skill to convince his or her student?

As long as, the crux of matter is concerned is very serious and subtle. It is really debatable issue. It is difficult for a naïve person to arrive at certain conclusion. But when I think back in past I find that we always appreciated and still sincerely respect out teachers who made us to have our own polimorphous understanding and enlightened our mental horizon with restless endeavor. And that teacher also took pain in convincing with utmost patience until we understood something.

But here we find different story that, people in academic after reaching even higher position ,do not have common sense to guess the negative impact of comparison of ability before students. Teachers need to introspect upon themselves that it evident proof that having taken a lot of theoretical knowledge, one is not able to convey what he/she wants to say to them. It is teachers’ epistemological belief in these pretexts that poor children understand poorly even one try his/her best. Teacher is already prejudiced about concept of learning and understanding. Such teachers is supposed to make up their own mind and come down while making judgment about students whether they are fast learner or slow at least in front of them.