Some people believe that education should be available to all students. Others believe that education should be only to good students. Which view is correct? Those who argue that education should be available to all students are guilty of two things. First, they cannot tell literacy from education. Second, they have not heard of the concept of ‘‘hierarchy of merit '' that has been in practice for many years ago propounded by Arthur Koestler. And without timely recognition of merit no country can progress. But how many people will endorse that view? The answer is rather obvious in these days of ignorant populism.
To begin with the issue of reservation, what i think is that reservation is not only about economic rights or gaining status in the society but there is one thing that is much more than that. That is nothing other than the notion of self respect and self dignity which enables them (Dalits) to think and feel at least as the part of the society which otherwise had no meaning for the same. Before this reservation was brought in the constitution, there had been not even a single authority of law which had taken care of this section of society. Moreover, the so called Hegemonic Powers of the society were very much engrossed in the Stanzas of ‘Manu Smriti’ which we all know that it had always been instrumental in propagating and preaching the vague and vulgar idea of considering disadvantage group ,Dalits not even better than animals. There could be no better tool than enforced provision for reservation as the past had always been a silent witness to not even a single incident where we could see a substantial incident of a dalit being given even his /her natural human rights.
If we analyze the whole episode of reservation and, we find that it is nothing more than a compensation for the so many inhuman atrocities inflicted upon the Dalits in the past and also whose remnants could be seen even today from Jammu to Kanya Kumari and from Bengal to Rajasthan. It is very easy and simple to analyze the things superficially but unfortunately some people from the so called ‘’ rational people ‘’ forget to look inside the intricacies of the matter just because probably they are least concerned about the simple little things like human rights and self dignity which otherwise is everything for a poor Dalit. Reservation is nothing but a simple little effort of giving opportunity to even those who could never ever think of enjoying these human rights. I found similar reflection what R.W. Connell discusses 'compensatory education' in his essay ‘Poverty and Education’
Now coming to towards your second thought because of their reserved status their admissions are accepted and not because of their education levels. It is true, that most of the students of the SCs/STs population could not even avail the so called standard means of education. It is also very true that even at present , many of students could not even complete the course and thus dropped out. I admit to all these allegations very humbly but just want to put forward a simple question that who is responsible for that? Is it not you or many others who avail the so called standard education to be able to differentiate on the grounds of substandard education?
Therefore ,education is a tool which gives us the alternate means of visualizing things rather than making one feel supreme over others. It may startle you but If they get right environment with proper resource, the day is not far, far away when drop out ratio will be the end and weaker section will come together in main stream of society.
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