THEORY of Human Nature as Closed System: Haberman and Stevenson seem to suggest that being a social person , it is human propensity to have certain beliefs system, whatever it is rational or irrational [belief]. But time to time , fundamental question arise in human mind; who am i ? what is my place in the whole world[cosmos] of things? Why problems come in human lives? Overall it is the human being who thinks critically about his problems and difficulties and overcome its. Here, it is pertinent to note that human bieng is a rational, although he has some beliefs. As Descartes denied the existence of God. According to him’’ i think , therefore i am’’ He created a fundamental duality bitween mind and matter.Marx is of view that ‘’human beings , class struggle are determined by social condition ‘’ , whereas kant’s views that ‘’ human are rational being ; pure , practical, reason’’. Man can not think beyond reason. Sartre ‘’man is condemned to be free’’ it means existential philosophy emphasises that form your own judjment , thinking. Rival beliefs abuot human nature are typical embodied in different individual ways of life and in political and economic systems.
In this way, the Haberman and Stevenson develope a rational ,empirical , no religious picture of human beings . It seems thst authers want to say that you need not believe in one perticular ideology, rather you should percieve divergent kinds of ideology.
[b] Dearden explains three kinds of concept , which are perceptual , practical , and theoretical.
Perceptual Concept: It is certain kinds of physical object and material that we recognise it ia this and it iis that .For example, tree, boll, dog , bird, earth, red, heavy, and so on.
Practical concept : Those physical objects which exist but we can not understand , instead of seeing how they act in a form of social life .
For example, chail , pen , telephone , shop, curtain and so on.
Theoretical Concept: Man has created certain construct , set of network , idea that have highly interrelated whith exploratory things or historical investigation. It can not be understood through many examlples or single explanation. It needs to be connected in larger structure of phenomena.
For example ,idea of electricity , Literature , genre of archetype.
[c], Logical Priority: the premises of the structural concept in order to understand something. Logical priority is structure of building concept. It is basic constituint of concept.
Foe example, apple and mango> Fruits.
If we want to understand about fruits first, we will need to know varieties of fruits[apple, mango ,orrange, banana].Unless we do not know about mango, apple, banana,etc., we can not understand the bigger concept of fruit
Temporal Priority: It is structure of learning and teaching. It means to say that if want to understand the concept of nuances, we need to know temporal priority[ in time] or preceeding concept.
For example, justice and society> social justice. In order to understand the concept of ‘’social justice’ , first of all, it becomes necessary for us to know small unit of society and justice, then we can grasp the maening of ‘’social justice’’ . Therefore , one can say that logical priority is basic structural concept , whereas temporal priority is structure of preceeding [in time] concept.
[d] Three condition for teaching explained by Hirst and Peters.
i-Indicating What is to be learnt: Whereas teaching is concerned it becomes necessary to be indicated, when child are being taught by teachers. Taking into n consideration that teaching is an activity, when teacher comes into class room, keep teaching and just spend his valuable period. It is not meaningful at all. Teacher must be conscious about his short limited time and utilise it such a manner , introducing them whatbbis to be learnt for today.
Unless and until teacher does not denote about what chil are about to learn in the class today,it will not be purposeful teaching.Being taught one period , child can not findout .
For example , teaching Literature it quite becomes compulsory , let the child be awared about devices of literature [novel, drama, poetry, prose,etc.]
ii-The learner’s Cognitive state; The best way for teachers to proceed towards teaching is to enquire the child rational thinking and mental development in more orgnised kind of way inorder to assess the learners cognitive growth. towards teaching is to enquire the child rational thinking and mental development in more orgnised kind of way inorder to assess the learners cognitive growth. Having observed the child mental state, teacher shuold deliver his lecture, so that all the child can grasp easily and accurately. For example , a classroom is multicultural and ethnic background, where students come from divergent regional setting, at the same time,their cognitive development also varient to one another. Therefore, at least for teaching it becomes necessary condition to child’s cognitve state and accordingly teaching activities should be like-wise.
[iii ] Content and Methods: The third condition of teaching is content and methods. It means that there should be balance between content and methods. In a sense that , content should not be either too vast range or too short. Teaching activities should follow following specific activities.[a] What is to be learnt as a result of the teaching –learning activities that are being planned.[b] The content to be used to express what is to be learnt. [c] the method or form of presentation of this content should be precise. [d] the subject matter should be modernised and it should not be old pattern. [e] Another thing is teaching method must be involve exercise of skills and value education . Therefore, certain content and methods play very vital role in the aspects of teaching in providing the best copetence and performance for the child and teaching object must be core focus for content and mehtods of teaching activities.
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