Sunday, January 31, 2010


In this paper, I will intend and try to explain in brief a background to the entire analysis which this article delves into. To begin with, in the name of development, there is shift always from state control towards privatization and decentralization. It may be considered as issues for developing countries wherein the education systems are facing problems. The author has tried to make an understanding base about the role of state relationship in Western countries. This paper points out that today the state’s role in the control of education has strengthened rather being weakened. Earlier it was perceived that state had responsibilities to provide education for children as public good. But now, it is changing because of two reasons. The first reason is regarding to ideological commitments of neo-liberalism. The second reason that the states have no adequate capacities to deliver education in their present social and economical context.
He explains that “due to global economy, education has been affected both direct and indirect way. The direct impact can be seen more in developing countries. Whose countries’s education system have been shaped by the lending policies of the world Bank programme(India) and demands of structural adjustment (i.e. the diminution of public sector and the expansion of the private) that organizations like the IMF make conditions of support. The impact of can also be seen in advanced countries where public funding of services related like education seems no longer feasible at previous levels. ” (Roger Dale,pp. 274). Here we can correlate this case in Indian context, SSA programme is an example.
Further, the author tells that the state’s control is form of government which is losing in its state premises. The state’s control is shifting towards governance many Western and Asian countries. According to Hirst and Thompson( 1995) “ Governance-that is the control of an activity by some means such that a range of desired outcomes is attained-is ,however, not just the provinces of the state. Rather it is a function that can be performed by a wide variety of public and private state and non state, national and international, institutions and practices”(ibid, p. 278)
The Governance of Education
There are three forms of intervention by the welfare state. These are individually different from each other. These activities involved in welfare of policy. How the policy is funded, how it is delivered and how it is regulated by the state. The author argues that it is not necessary for the state to carry out all these activities for control of education. He says that these activities have to be coordinated along with three major institutions. There are State, Market and Community. Now the field of these institutions have been expanded and formalized as the area of direct state involvement.
Governance Activities
Coordinating institutions
State, Market, Community


It can be understood and seen as source in education of public or private schools. The author gives an example, in private schools where fees are thoroughly funded by parents. Some schools are funded by religious or volunteer organizations or direct community funded. These private schools also get several tax reliefs through state subsidy. They also get benefit through direct state funding of the academics. There are some disciplinary mandates through which distribution of funding happens.
· Funding may be delivered to organizations or individually through scholarship or vouchers.
· It may be given subject to condition (competence and performance basis).
· It can be taken in forms of grants, loans, investment or subsidy.
It is a major ability of the state to determine policy and sanctions through law that shapes the whole area of regulati0on. Funding and regulation combine in different ways to create the context for education policy, provision and practices. There are three aspects of the processes by which the state shapes the governance of education. These are Deregulation, Jurisdiction and the New Public management.
Provision/ Delivery
The delivery of education is basically shaped by changes in funding and regulation. The key dimensions of this governance activity regarding the way provision relates to the question of entitlement. In education, market forms of provision which have their efficiency but it excludes issues of equity. Here consumers (students) who have money and cultural capital, will receive high quality educational services. Whereas, those who do not have these forms of capital, they will receive low quality education.
Accountability and the Limits to State Action
The state has scarce resources to realize effectively implementation of education policy. The author finds out three forms of clear absolute limits these limits prevent the governmental intervention. These are regulation, manipulation of fiscal resource and the use of information and persuasion.
Therefore, the shift from the state control to governance in education can be visualized to be responding to three acts of different pressures. The first, due to global economy, the economical role of the state is shifting. The second, shift from welfare state (education as public good) to welfare society (education as have and have not). The third concerns that limit the state action in the modern context.